我這才看見,扔在地上的電話螢屏已碎裂,那母親趕緊把它撿起來,放在手袋裏。原來前面的阿姨手拿著的,是一部最新潮流的手機。母親面露難色,但馬上又舒展了本來緊蹙著的眉宇,輕聲說:「孩子,媽媽現在沒有另外的手機,我們玩『摸金蛋』吧!」那孩子立即破涕為笑。於是,他們便有模有樣地玩起了這兒戲。我看著他們輪流嘗試把雞蛋摸出來,那孩子每贏一局就大喊:「我贏了媽媽!」 我仔細一看,嘿,那孩子正在耍賴呢!她偷偷地往紅袋子裏看,看見金色的雞蛋時就記住位子,等一下用手去把它拿上來。那母親明明看見了,卻一不勸告、二不阻止,只是一個勁兒跟她玩。突然,一陣電話聲響起,那母親低下頭,在手袋裏尋找另一個電話。那孩子趁機說:「媽媽耍賴!媽媽耍賴!...... 」她的聲音越來越刺耳,而且還開始用尖尖的指甲去刮母親的脖子,刮出一條條痕跡來。不知是庝還是不疼,但我想母親的心裏肯定很傷。可是,她卻若無其事的掏出電話來,按停了那鈴聲,繼續和女兒玩。那孩子沒心情玩了,只是不停的叫:「耍賴!耍賴!耍賴!...... 」
怎知,那母親竟說:「是,是,媽媽耍賴,應該受罰。」 那孩子幸災樂禍地笑了幾聲,舉手「啪啪啪」的打了母親兩記巴掌,力度之大,使母親的臉頓時紅腫起來。車廂裏的人都沸騰了。
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the patient of teachers.
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
What is life? Being born, living, and dying. If you could never die, then you are not living. You are simply being a miniscule par...
校園裏的一花一草 操場上的一葉一木 教室裏的一桌一椅, 窗外的一山一水 樓梯的一磚一瓦 在這裏挨過多少罵 受過多少讚許 每一樣東西都顯得 那麼熟悉 又那麼陌生 我曾睜著好奇的雙眼 看著陌生的一切 我曾悲傷地撫摸他們 希望它給與我安慰 我曾興高采烈地向他們傾訴 和它分享我的喜怒哀樂...
孝順這個字,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。但又有沒有人真正去研究,什麼是孝順呢? 孝,指的是報答父母的養育之恩,也就是孝子,孝女的來源;順,指的是順從,依順。兩者合一,意思就是已順從的方式去報答父母。雖然明白了“孝順”這兩個字的意思,但誰會真的做到呢? 孔子說過:“色難。有事,弟子服其...
Memories Red roses with Valentines and hearts Peas that smell of fresh spring mornings Have already Withered away ...
漫步於沙灘上,柔軟的沙粒在腳下發出 “咯吱咯吱” 的響聲。在遙遠的水平線那端,那金黃的火球發出耀眼的光芒,雲彩一片深黃。太陽似乎比中午的亮,可是那熱力卻消失得無影無蹤,換取的卻是撲面的涼意。腳邊的海水閃閃發耀,似乎鑲上了一層薄薄的金箔。我佝僂著身子,捧起一手海水,濃濃的鹽味迎面襲...
臺灣旅客丟IPHONE4 公交司機物歸原主 一 剪報來源:南方都市報 二 剪報日期:二月八日 三 剪報內容: 二月六日,林先生八時多搭完223路公車,回到酒店才發現存有重要資料的電話IPHONE4不見了。 他嘗試打電話給白天到過的地方,諮詢了有關的資料。第二天,他接...
2010年4月11日 星期天 大霧 在假期中,我和爸爸媽媽去了關島旅行. 關島雖然屬於美國, 但那兒卻是日本人的天地. 在五天的行程中, 其中一天的午餐令我記憶猶新, 歷歷在目: 那一天, 我們在魚眼餐廳吃午餐. 當我正排隊取冷麫時, 一位日本人突然在我前面...
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
What is life? Being born, living, and dying. If you could never die, then you are not living. You are simply being a miniscule par...
校園裏的一花一草 操場上的一葉一木 教室裏的一桌一椅, 窗外的一山一水 樓梯的一磚一瓦 在這裏挨過多少罵 受過多少讚許 每一樣東西都顯得 那麼熟悉 又那麼陌生 我曾睜著好奇的雙眼 看著陌生的一切 我曾悲傷地撫摸他們 希望它給與我安慰 我曾興高采烈地向他們傾訴 和它分享我的喜怒哀樂...
孝順這個字,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。但又有沒有人真正去研究,什麼是孝順呢? 孝,指的是報答父母的養育之恩,也就是孝子,孝女的來源;順,指的是順從,依順。兩者合一,意思就是已順從的方式去報答父母。雖然明白了“孝順”這兩個字的意思,但誰會真的做到呢? 孔子說過:“色難。有事,弟子服其...
Memories Red roses with Valentines and hearts Peas that smell of fresh spring mornings Have already Withered away ...
漫步於沙灘上,柔軟的沙粒在腳下發出 “咯吱咯吱” 的響聲。在遙遠的水平線那端,那金黃的火球發出耀眼的光芒,雲彩一片深黃。太陽似乎比中午的亮,可是那熱力卻消失得無影無蹤,換取的卻是撲面的涼意。腳邊的海水閃閃發耀,似乎鑲上了一層薄薄的金箔。我佝僂著身子,捧起一手海水,濃濃的鹽味迎面襲...
臺灣旅客丟IPHONE4 公交司機物歸原主 一 剪報來源:南方都市報 二 剪報日期:二月八日 三 剪報內容: 二月六日,林先生八時多搭完223路公車,回到酒店才發現存有重要資料的電話IPHONE4不見了。 他嘗試打電話給白天到過的地方,諮詢了有關的資料。第二天,他接...
2010年4月11日 星期天 大霧 在假期中,我和爸爸媽媽去了關島旅行. 關島雖然屬於美國, 但那兒卻是日本人的天地. 在五天的行程中, 其中一天的午餐令我記憶猶新, 歷歷在目: 那一天, 我們在魚眼餐廳吃午餐. 當我正排隊取冷麫時, 一位日本人突然在我前面...
2010年12月19日 星期日
2010年12月12日 星期日
The Journey
Dawn had just broken, and the sunglow was painted all over the serene sky to announce the start of a fresh new day. As far as we could see, everything was tranquil, and all was peaceful. There was no sound to be heard except for the regular “clip-clop” of the horses’ hooves on the dusty ground. There were brick towers standing high above us, but I didn’t pay them much attention. As I gaze up at the sky, I glimpse a dove sailing gaily through the clouds. We were on a journey from our familiar Persia to a mysterious land – Chang’an, China.
“Shipp!” an arrow broke the silence. I pulled on the reins sharply, and the horses trotted to a halt. I bent down and picked the arrow up. There was no message, nothing inscribed on it, and the tip was sharp and gleamed red. Poison. The word alone sent shivers down my spine. There was no cure for poison, none at all. I pulled the net down and continued.
More arrows rained down upon us. My men behind started panicking. Nervously, I cracked the whip, and the horses galloped faster. Everyone could see unfriendly
faces peering out from the watchtowers that towered above us, glaring. I tugged on the reins again. “Get the goods!” I hollered to my men. We had brought loads of goods along to trade with the local Chinese. We had brought water clocks from Egypt, rugs from our homeland Persia, books from Denmark... According to my father, Marco Polo had once traveled on this same path as I am on now. He called it the “Silk Road”. One of my friends had been to China before – and pronounced it a prosperous country.
The shriek of a man brought me back from my dreams. “A man has been shot!” Jamal, the physician of our troupe, hurried through the caravans.
The next few weeks went by peacefully. I was beginning to think that we had left the dangers far behind. It was a beautiful morning, in which the sun was rising amid a patch of rose and azure and turquoise and lilac. The light breeze fluttered over the treetops, through the leaves and onto our cheeks. Shooting out of the blue came another caravan, charging towards us. They all had blonde hair and their eyes sunk into their sockets. They bellowed something in a foreign language and one man lifted his forefinger to his lips, crossed both his arms in an “X” and drew his right arm across his neck. It didn’t look good. Everyone quietened down. My heart was leaping and my palms were clammy. They strode over and opened the canopy. The goods were in plain sight. Their eyes gleamed with greed and lunged for the goods. At that split second, my men jumped up and started stabbing the robbers with some daggers. At that, I remembered a book I had once seen from China. picture of a man in a book, fighting. I imitated him and made my hand go in a snake-like shape, kneeled down on one foot and tilted my head up. To my surprise, the robbers froze for a second. As if on cue, they all dropped their weapons, leapt upon their caravan and fled. I was a bit puzzled. What was that I did? Was it Kungfu or what? How come it scared the robbers away? Any way, it would be something from China. Three cheers for China! I put that out of my mind for a second and started scanning the caravans. At least none of our booty was robbed. Everyone hoped that the goods would pay well in China.
A couple of weeks later, the men had huge black lumps on their armpits and
necks. Since Jamal had been killed in the bloodbath, nobody knew what it was. Dozens of my men had already died of it, and dozens more were sick. I could only stand and watch helplessly while my men died, one after another. I had lost all hope of reaching that faraway place – what was it called? I could only fight back tears and bury the lifeless bodies with their blank staring eyes next to the path as a monument of the hardships on the way to the China.
One fateful day, we saw a winding jagged wall coming nearer and nearer to us. Finally, we have reached our destination! There was the rock-paved wall with all those towers coming towards us from the horizon and us hurrahing and cheering. The soldiers, standing bold and tall at the gates, glanced at our permission slip and waved us in. We were into the flourishing city in a moment! How exciting everything seemed to us! As far as the eye could see, there were brick-paved streets and carts of goods pulled by horses.
On the market day, we hurried to the square and put up our goods. We saw a
large character on the wall, “唐”.After what seemed like a century, people started
coming along. Some wealthy people traded 50 yards of silk with us just for a water
clock! And then, a burly man offered to trade 600 bales of ceramics and 500 bolts of silk, so we gave him some myrrh, glass, furs and gemstones. How glad he was! A
lot of people were interested in our books and bought some, even though the
letters didn’t mean anything to them. We put up our newly painted ostrich eggs and immediately some women and children bustled over. They traded them with some ceramic plates for their children. This has been the best day of my life!
Of course, if the men hadn’t died in the bloodbath with the robbers, they might have seen this wonderful day. I wonder if the world would ever be peaceful. I glimpse a dove sailing through the sky, coming to rest on a tree branch. One day perhaps there would be no fighting. One day.
“Shipp!” an arrow broke the silence. I pulled on the reins sharply, and the horses trotted to a halt. I bent down and picked the arrow up. There was no message, nothing inscribed on it, and the tip was sharp and gleamed red. Poison. The word alone sent shivers down my spine. There was no cure for poison, none at all. I pulled the net down and continued.
More arrows rained down upon us. My men behind started panicking. Nervously, I cracked the whip, and the horses galloped faster. Everyone could see unfriendly
faces peering out from the watchtowers that towered above us, glaring. I tugged on the reins again. “Get the goods!” I hollered to my men. We had brought loads of goods along to trade with the local Chinese. We had brought water clocks from Egypt, rugs from our homeland Persia, books from Denmark... According to my father, Marco Polo had once traveled on this same path as I am on now. He called it the “Silk Road”. One of my friends had been to China before – and pronounced it a prosperous country.
The shriek of a man brought me back from my dreams. “A man has been shot!” Jamal, the physician of our troupe, hurried through the caravans.
The next few weeks went by peacefully. I was beginning to think that we had left the dangers far behind. It was a beautiful morning, in which the sun was rising amid a patch of rose and azure and turquoise and lilac. The light breeze fluttered over the treetops, through the leaves and onto our cheeks. Shooting out of the blue came another caravan, charging towards us. They all had blonde hair and their eyes sunk into their sockets. They bellowed something in a foreign language and one man lifted his forefinger to his lips, crossed both his arms in an “X” and drew his right arm across his neck. It didn’t look good. Everyone quietened down. My heart was leaping and my palms were clammy. They strode over and opened the canopy. The goods were in plain sight. Their eyes gleamed with greed and lunged for the goods. At that split second, my men jumped up and started stabbing the robbers with some daggers. At that, I remembered a book I had once seen from China. picture of a man in a book, fighting. I imitated him and made my hand go in a snake-like shape, kneeled down on one foot and tilted my head up. To my surprise, the robbers froze for a second. As if on cue, they all dropped their weapons, leapt upon their caravan and fled. I was a bit puzzled. What was that I did? Was it Kungfu or what? How come it scared the robbers away? Any way, it would be something from China. Three cheers for China! I put that out of my mind for a second and started scanning the caravans. At least none of our booty was robbed. Everyone hoped that the goods would pay well in China.
A couple of weeks later, the men had huge black lumps on their armpits and
necks. Since Jamal had been killed in the bloodbath, nobody knew what it was. Dozens of my men had already died of it, and dozens more were sick. I could only stand and watch helplessly while my men died, one after another. I had lost all hope of reaching that faraway place – what was it called? I could only fight back tears and bury the lifeless bodies with their blank staring eyes next to the path as a monument of the hardships on the way to the China.
One fateful day, we saw a winding jagged wall coming nearer and nearer to us. Finally, we have reached our destination! There was the rock-paved wall with all those towers coming towards us from the horizon and us hurrahing and cheering. The soldiers, standing bold and tall at the gates, glanced at our permission slip and waved us in. We were into the flourishing city in a moment! How exciting everything seemed to us! As far as the eye could see, there were brick-paved streets and carts of goods pulled by horses.
On the market day, we hurried to the square and put up our goods. We saw a
large character on the wall, “唐”.After what seemed like a century, people started
coming along. Some wealthy people traded 50 yards of silk with us just for a water
clock! And then, a burly man offered to trade 600 bales of ceramics and 500 bolts of silk, so we gave him some myrrh, glass, furs and gemstones. How glad he was! A
lot of people were interested in our books and bought some, even though the
letters didn’t mean anything to them. We put up our newly painted ostrich eggs and immediately some women and children bustled over. They traded them with some ceramic plates for their children. This has been the best day of my life!
Of course, if the men hadn’t died in the bloodbath with the robbers, they might have seen this wonderful day. I wonder if the world would ever be peaceful. I glimpse a dove sailing through the sky, coming to rest on a tree branch. One day perhaps there would be no fighting. One day.
3011 年,地球上早已煙霧彌漫,人類依然執迷不悟,他們繼續糟蹋著地球,令它的情況每況愈下。我吃了自己發明的長生不老藥,現在才是30歲。我不忍心看見地球這個樣子,經過一段時間的研究,我終於研製出了一種「清潔機器人」。「他們」身上有一些像吸塵器的吸盤,把小型垃圾吸進身體以後,裏面的機器就會把垃圾分成可分解和不可分解兩類;之後,「他們」它又會在肚子裏把可分解的垃圾進行分解,回到垃圾場後再把它們釋放在不同的區域。我覺得地球終於有希望了,怎知人們的衛生習慣實在太差了,機器人們清潔完畢舊的垃圾,新的垃圾又被拋了出來。我煩惱了好幾年,終於想到了中國先進的X320-15 探索宇宙機,便打了個電話給中央科學院的陳秘書:
「但這並不是很容易的事情啊,畢竟人類需要氧氣,水源,熱力等事物才能生存,據研究,這個機會的可能性少於一千萬分之一。」 陳秘書語帶難色。
一語未畢,我就聽見了雜亂的回應:「哼! 這是沒可能的事!」
「這主意太好了,我一定要去! 」
於是,一班追隨我的人(包括陳秘書)就跟著我,乘搭宇宙探索機裏的副飛船,通過黑漆漆的黑洞時,大家都發現自己高了幾寸,而且還有些頭暈眼花的情況出現。這時,工程師突然跑了進來,沖著我們喊:「不好了!控制中心的聯繫部分失靈了!」我知道黑洞的地心引力比木星還要強幾十萬倍,我立即讓飛船釋放一種類似結晶體的物體,並凝結在飛船的外殼上,形成一層「保護膜」。很快控制板上的紅色燈一盞一盞地熄滅了, 一切又似乎恢復了正常。我們差點被拉成長長的「人肉麵條」,永遠消失在宇宙中。幸虧我們的飛船是以特種鋼鐵造成,再加上它以光速行駛和自製的保護膜,這便大大減少了黑洞帶來的殺傷力……
降落後,大家嚇了一跳,因為張院長垂頭喪氣的,好像剛收到了什麼壞消息。他一看見我們,就說:「唉,你們和其他隊員分手後,他們的氧氣儲存箱無緣無故地爆炸,氧氣都漏了出來,他們都……唉!」大家肅然低頭默哀了三分鐘。我看見一旁的陳秘書在飲泣,便想起了他在臨走前對在另外那隊執行任務的妻子說:「親愛的,我們一個星期後在地球上再見吧!」 怎知,他的終生伴侶就喪生在茫茫宇宙中……我把手輕輕放在他的肩上,我也感覺到喉嚨裏有一塊東西哽住似的,有點想哭的感覺。
2000年的歲月如同一滴水般從我的手指間悄悄溜走了,天球上面的人已不知是第幾代了,他們甚至不知道自己的祖先是從地球移居而來的,以為人類一直是在天球一代又一代地繁衍, 但最不幸的是他們又開始大肆捕殺珍貴的受保護動物,濫伐森林;人們無限度地在天球南北極冰川開採新的能源,使海洋大範圍地受到污染,無數可憐的海獅、北極熊及企鵝等天球極地動物受到牽連; 他們還建造了數不清的化工廠、發電廠、塑膠廠……這些工廠排放出大量的污水廢氣,天球上發生了可怕的溫室效應, 使天球的大氣層越來越稀薄,一條條清澈的河流變得混濁不堪,一片片綠色的森林變成了茫茫沙漠,北極的冰川加速融化,每年都有一些地勢低窪的地方被海水淹沒……人們在自己的世界裏享受著每一天。我面對著這一切,無能為力。只好默默坐在房間裏,等待著世界末日的到來。想不到,地球的悲劇竟又將在天球上重演……
最後,可憐的天球不勝負荷,果然發生了一連串的傷亡力極大的地震、一場場巨大的海嘯、一座座火山接連爆發,天球上的地區繼而又發生了無數的旱災、水災、風災……最後一次大規模的爆炸無可避免地發生了,這一切都在我的意料之中。當晚,我獨自乘著飛船離開了天球,成為了宇宙裏唯一的生存者。我黯然坐在飛船的一角沉思。突然, 只聽艙門上傳來一陣淒厲而又急切的敲門聲……
「但這並不是很容易的事情啊,畢竟人類需要氧氣,水源,熱力等事物才能生存,據研究,這個機會的可能性少於一千萬分之一。」 陳秘書語帶難色。
一語未畢,我就聽見了雜亂的回應:「哼! 這是沒可能的事!」
「這主意太好了,我一定要去! 」
於是,一班追隨我的人(包括陳秘書)就跟著我,乘搭宇宙探索機裏的副飛船,通過黑漆漆的黑洞時,大家都發現自己高了幾寸,而且還有些頭暈眼花的情況出現。這時,工程師突然跑了進來,沖著我們喊:「不好了!控制中心的聯繫部分失靈了!」我知道黑洞的地心引力比木星還要強幾十萬倍,我立即讓飛船釋放一種類似結晶體的物體,並凝結在飛船的外殼上,形成一層「保護膜」。很快控制板上的紅色燈一盞一盞地熄滅了, 一切又似乎恢復了正常。我們差點被拉成長長的「人肉麵條」,永遠消失在宇宙中。幸虧我們的飛船是以特種鋼鐵造成,再加上它以光速行駛和自製的保護膜,這便大大減少了黑洞帶來的殺傷力……
降落後,大家嚇了一跳,因為張院長垂頭喪氣的,好像剛收到了什麼壞消息。他一看見我們,就說:「唉,你們和其他隊員分手後,他們的氧氣儲存箱無緣無故地爆炸,氧氣都漏了出來,他們都……唉!」大家肅然低頭默哀了三分鐘。我看見一旁的陳秘書在飲泣,便想起了他在臨走前對在另外那隊執行任務的妻子說:「親愛的,我們一個星期後在地球上再見吧!」 怎知,他的終生伴侶就喪生在茫茫宇宙中……我把手輕輕放在他的肩上,我也感覺到喉嚨裏有一塊東西哽住似的,有點想哭的感覺。
2000年的歲月如同一滴水般從我的手指間悄悄溜走了,天球上面的人已不知是第幾代了,他們甚至不知道自己的祖先是從地球移居而來的,以為人類一直是在天球一代又一代地繁衍, 但最不幸的是他們又開始大肆捕殺珍貴的受保護動物,濫伐森林;人們無限度地在天球南北極冰川開採新的能源,使海洋大範圍地受到污染,無數可憐的海獅、北極熊及企鵝等天球極地動物受到牽連; 他們還建造了數不清的化工廠、發電廠、塑膠廠……這些工廠排放出大量的污水廢氣,天球上發生了可怕的溫室效應, 使天球的大氣層越來越稀薄,一條條清澈的河流變得混濁不堪,一片片綠色的森林變成了茫茫沙漠,北極的冰川加速融化,每年都有一些地勢低窪的地方被海水淹沒……人們在自己的世界裏享受著每一天。我面對著這一切,無能為力。只好默默坐在房間裏,等待著世界末日的到來。想不到,地球的悲劇竟又將在天球上重演……
最後,可憐的天球不勝負荷,果然發生了一連串的傷亡力極大的地震、一場場巨大的海嘯、一座座火山接連爆發,天球上的地區繼而又發生了無數的旱災、水災、風災……最後一次大規模的爆炸無可避免地發生了,這一切都在我的意料之中。當晚,我獨自乘著飛船離開了天球,成為了宇宙裏唯一的生存者。我黯然坐在飛船的一角沉思。突然, 只聽艙門上傳來一陣淒厲而又急切的敲門聲……
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