Shannon Lucid, the first Asian-born astronaut in space, once said, “Basically, all my life I'd been told you can't do that because you're female. So I guess I just didn't pay any attention. I just went ahead and did what I could and then, when the stars aligned, I was ready. I think that over the years, whether they want to admit it or not, people have to admit that the women astronauts have performed just as well as the men astronauts. “This is, preferably, one of the strongest proof that woman, indeed, can perform just as well as men astronauts! People think, “As the majority of astronauts are men, and woman are more picky and not as strong, I can’t believe how they can become astronauts!” That, in fact, is a sign of the unknowing.
To be an astronaut, a person must have interest in astronomy, physics and mathematics; is dedicated to years of hard work and training; and to cooperate well with other crew members. Woman can be in all these categories. Though being physically fit is part of the requirements, why can’t woman be so too? Being fit, in people’s minds, means strong, tough, muscularly and manly person. That, is actually false. In the crew members’ minds, being fit, means that a person has no sickness, can withstand objects that weigh up to 48 kilograms and be able to sleep for less than six hours a day. A woman, can fulfill all these. However, people often misjudge woman by their cover – they think that they are the worst choices for astronauts, since they are not as strong as men.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to reach orbit; Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman to venture into space; Shannon Lucid was the first American-Asian woman to walk in space. Why can’t my name be on the name: Jessamyn Chiu was the first person to walk on Mars. Is this not possible? People have sent space modules onto Mars, and they have got photos and sent them back to Earth. We have evidence that Mars has an atmosphere; although it’s ozone layer is not as thick as Earth’s. This implies that an astronaut, with all the modern technology, must be able to land on Mars. Thus, since women are equal as men, landing on Mars is possible. If it is, then why can’t it be me?
Mars has long been the object of numerous stories and novels. It is implied that it has red earth and green aliens, in the stories. Though probes have not sent back photos of them, this does not prove that they does not exist. They could have been hiding, or living under the ground. Therefore, if I can land on the moon and really see with my own eyes and prove with the camera, bring back samples of the earth, why aren’t green aliens living on the moon impossible?
Surely, for me and for other girls having a passion for star-gazing and the secrets of the universe, stepping on the soil of Mars, gazing into the fiery sun... It is possible!
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the patient of teachers.
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
What is life? Being born, living, and dying. If you could never die, then you are not living. You are simply being a miniscule par...
校園裏的一花一草 操場上的一葉一木 教室裏的一桌一椅, 窗外的一山一水 樓梯的一磚一瓦 在這裏挨過多少罵 受過多少讚許 每一樣東西都顯得 那麼熟悉 又那麼陌生 我曾睜著好奇的雙眼 看著陌生的一切 我曾悲傷地撫摸他們 希望它給與我安慰 我曾興高采烈地向他們傾訴 和它分享我的喜怒哀樂...
孝順這個字,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。但又有沒有人真正去研究,什麼是孝順呢? 孝,指的是報答父母的養育之恩,也就是孝子,孝女的來源;順,指的是順從,依順。兩者合一,意思就是已順從的方式去報答父母。雖然明白了“孝順”這兩個字的意思,但誰會真的做到呢? 孔子說過:“色難。有事,弟子服其...
Memories Red roses with Valentines and hearts Peas that smell of fresh spring mornings Have already Withered away ...
漫步於沙灘上,柔軟的沙粒在腳下發出 “咯吱咯吱” 的響聲。在遙遠的水平線那端,那金黃的火球發出耀眼的光芒,雲彩一片深黃。太陽似乎比中午的亮,可是那熱力卻消失得無影無蹤,換取的卻是撲面的涼意。腳邊的海水閃閃發耀,似乎鑲上了一層薄薄的金箔。我佝僂著身子,捧起一手海水,濃濃的鹽味迎面襲...
臺灣旅客丟IPHONE4 公交司機物歸原主 一 剪報來源:南方都市報 二 剪報日期:二月八日 三 剪報內容: 二月六日,林先生八時多搭完223路公車,回到酒店才發現存有重要資料的電話IPHONE4不見了。 他嘗試打電話給白天到過的地方,諮詢了有關的資料。第二天,他接...
2010年4月11日 星期天 大霧 在假期中,我和爸爸媽媽去了關島旅行. 關島雖然屬於美國, 但那兒卻是日本人的天地. 在五天的行程中, 其中一天的午餐令我記憶猶新, 歷歷在目: 那一天, 我們在魚眼餐廳吃午餐. 當我正排隊取冷麫時, 一位日本人突然在我前面...
三月二十八日 星期天 晴 今天早上風還是冷颼颼的, 我坐在床上, 舒舒服服地看了一會兒書. 漸漸, 我的眼睛有點累了, 爬上窗台往外看,頓時我的心...... 一位年邁的老婆婆正緩慢地掃著冷清的大街. 我看了一下鐘, 才六點多呀!看著她那瑟縮的身影,再...
What is life? Being born, living, and dying. If you could never die, then you are not living. You are simply being a miniscule par...
校園裏的一花一草 操場上的一葉一木 教室裏的一桌一椅, 窗外的一山一水 樓梯的一磚一瓦 在這裏挨過多少罵 受過多少讚許 每一樣東西都顯得 那麼熟悉 又那麼陌生 我曾睜著好奇的雙眼 看著陌生的一切 我曾悲傷地撫摸他們 希望它給與我安慰 我曾興高采烈地向他們傾訴 和它分享我的喜怒哀樂...
孝順這個字,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。但又有沒有人真正去研究,什麼是孝順呢? 孝,指的是報答父母的養育之恩,也就是孝子,孝女的來源;順,指的是順從,依順。兩者合一,意思就是已順從的方式去報答父母。雖然明白了“孝順”這兩個字的意思,但誰會真的做到呢? 孔子說過:“色難。有事,弟子服其...
Memories Red roses with Valentines and hearts Peas that smell of fresh spring mornings Have already Withered away ...
漫步於沙灘上,柔軟的沙粒在腳下發出 “咯吱咯吱” 的響聲。在遙遠的水平線那端,那金黃的火球發出耀眼的光芒,雲彩一片深黃。太陽似乎比中午的亮,可是那熱力卻消失得無影無蹤,換取的卻是撲面的涼意。腳邊的海水閃閃發耀,似乎鑲上了一層薄薄的金箔。我佝僂著身子,捧起一手海水,濃濃的鹽味迎面襲...
臺灣旅客丟IPHONE4 公交司機物歸原主 一 剪報來源:南方都市報 二 剪報日期:二月八日 三 剪報內容: 二月六日,林先生八時多搭完223路公車,回到酒店才發現存有重要資料的電話IPHONE4不見了。 他嘗試打電話給白天到過的地方,諮詢了有關的資料。第二天,他接...
2010年4月11日 星期天 大霧 在假期中,我和爸爸媽媽去了關島旅行. 關島雖然屬於美國, 但那兒卻是日本人的天地. 在五天的行程中, 其中一天的午餐令我記憶猶新, 歷歷在目: 那一天, 我們在魚眼餐廳吃午餐. 當我正排隊取冷麫時, 一位日本人突然在我前面...