



2011年5月27日 星期五


孝順這個字,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。但又有沒有人真正去研究,什麼是孝順呢? 孝,指的是報答父母的養育之恩,也就是孝子,孝女的來源;順,指的是順從,依順。兩者合一,意思就是已順從的方式去報答父母。雖然明白了“孝順”這兩個字的意思,但誰會真的做到呢?

孔子說過:“色難。有事,弟子服其勞,有酒食,先生饌,曾是以為孝乎?”意思是,在父母面前,擺一副好臉色,實在很難。有事情,兒女服侍父母;有佳餚,父母第一個吃。難道這個就真的是中國流傳千古的“孝”嗎?中國歷史悠悠三千年,孝是第一個傳統美德。這就是傳說中的“孝”?三字經提過:“香九齡,能溫席。孝於親,所當執。 融四歲,能讓梨。弟于長,宜先知。”黃香九歲就能為爸爸溫暖席鋪,孔融四歲就能把梨子讓給哥哥弟弟,這已是中國傳統文化中的一些膾炙人口的孝順故事,但他們深深表現到,中國人民是多麼重視“孝”這個字。從古至今,人們提倡凡是要先請教父母,取得同意,再去做;父母病了,必須耐心為他們打理,因為以前你病的時候,爸爸媽媽沒有嫌棄你,只是細心的關懷你,滿足你的需要。孝順,從中國五千年前有歷史紀錄的時候,就已經是天經地義的道理了。孔子教導學生第一句話就是說:“百行孝為先。”這麼多年來,這句話一直是一種鞭策人們向父母致敬的話——到現在為止。




2011年5月25日 星期三


By JESSAMYN CHIU, journalist
17th March, 2011

As the largest earthquake strikes Japan for more than a decade, the country’s unity is shattered. It triggers a series of catastrophes – a nuclear disaster, a 38 m high freak wave, and then probably the most devastating of all – a flood.

As the earthquake, scoring 8.9 on the Richter scale slammed into northern Japan, it left behind a trail of debris. One week later, an underwater reaction occurred, and the highest – and mightiest freak wave that people have ever seen in the history of humans swept over Japan. Broken houses, overturned cars, uprooted trees and rotten corpses floated on the water, along with a occasional person clinging to a log, waving for help.

The Japan government have already sent out rescue helicopters to save anyone trapped in a house or floating on the rapids, but the rescue scheme seems to have been delayed by the destruction of electricity generators and power lines in the area. So far, rescue helicopters have only saved thirty-two people over a course of five days into the rescue program. And if they don’t hurry, a lot of people, now still clinging to the hope that the waters will recede or someone to rescue them, will soon be dead, due to the lack of drinking water and dry food.

For people who have already been relocated to shelters, it may not spell luck and happiness. Shelters are badly stocked with emergency supplies, and it is already running out. Though many trucks have been sent, delivering stocks, but most of them never reach their destination. If they haven’t been swept away, then they are stuck in the mud with no way to move. Also, shelters are packed full of people, and more is to come. Sleeping bags have already been used up, and the laundry service is not enough for the 900 or so people sharing a tiny school hall away from the rapids. And spirits have not been lifted, for people weep all day, mourning for their lost relatives. Doctors are running out, and killers like malaria and Dengue Fever are spreading due to the humid conditions. Medical supplies are not to be mentioned, nor to say blankets in the freezing conditions.

For people who have not yet been relocated, it does spell doom and gloom. Without drinking water, dry food and medical supplies, their lives are reaching the end of the tunnel. Even for those in a safe place out of the flood’s harm, without power lines or supplies, lives will soon be lost if nothing is done.

Though people from all over the world is stretching out their helping hand, it is far by enough to lift the people’s spirits. Oh Lord, our Heavenly Father, may they receive blessings from You, so that they might survive this terrible disaster. Amen.

Mozambique Flooding

Mozambique is located on the southeastern coast of Africa, and is a poor and undeveloped country. It is also very humid and wet. Usually continuous and heavy torrential rains bring the flood season, occurring from November to April. During this time, cyclones attack the country, bringing rains of more than 1163 mm, compared to the average 177 mm.

Major reasons include the fact that swamps that hold rainwater are gradually drained to make farmlands; huge grasslands and plains are being destroyed for the same reason,which usually soak up rainwater and release it slowly throughout the year into the rivers. Also, which Mozambique was the worst hit during floods compared with neighboring countries like Zambia,

Zimbabwe and Tanzania, because it has a huge population: 25 million over such a small country, meaning whenever a disaster hits, an enormous number of people are affected; also, makeshift houses made of wood and metal bits and pieces in the slums next to the capital are the first to be swept away when a flood comes.

In 2000, a major flood left thousands dead, millions injured and a huge loss of personal belongings. Diseases like spread rapidly, like dengue fever and typhoid. Also, malnutrition was common because of lack of electricity, medical supplies, clean water and dry food. Trucks bringing these supplies after the water had receded were often stuck in the mud, as most bridges and roads were washed away, bringing long-term economic and social problems.

The US and the UK sent helicopters to help with the rescue effort, but with little success. Shelter camps were also set up, but conditions were terrible: there was no privacy nor hygiene; little food and lack of medical supplies. International aid was also given from societies like Red Cross, but money was not enough. However, the Mozambique government did not do anything to stop the flooding – this was probably because they were too poor. So citizens did whatever they needed to stop the waters: sandbags barriers, planting trees to soak up water…

Whichever way, floods are just another big issue to deal with by those poor, struggling people, just hoping to survive in the merciless world.

2011年5月24日 星期二

Bangladesh Flooding

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries, and has three of the world’s biggest rivers passing through it: the Ganges, the Meghna and the Brahmaputra. One of the many reasons why the country always floods is because more than 70% of the ground area is only 1 metre above sea level, and 10% of the ground area consists of lakes and rivers. Also, one of the main reasons is that the snow in the Himalayas melt and flow down the river to Bangladesh’s huge plains, flooding them with water mixed with mud, leaving people trying to wade through the sticky mud, with no success.

Most people in Bangladesh blame global warming, for it has brought ice caps to melt and water levels all over the world to rise. Snow melts earlier because of higher temperatures, and when it evaporates, it returns as rainfall.

Flooding in Bangladesh, already quite poor, has caused many problems. When floods come, people die of many reasons: firstly, serious shortages of water and food cause people to starve; secondly, people die of diseases and epidemics such as cholera and malaria. To the economy, millions of tonnes of rice were destroyed, together with one-half of the country’s cattle and poultry.

The people lining up for food and water after the peak of the flood has receded. The water comes up to the people’s shins, but people are desperate for medical aids. Rats scavenge everywhere,contaminating precious water and food, though people do not receive sufficient food go to the “rat table”, where dead rats are put, to at least put something into their stomach.

People in Hong Kong can hardly understand the fear, despair and hopelessness when it comes to floods in Bangladesh. I hope people will soon realize, that a flood targets the economy, goes at the people. It hits the poor countries worst; hits the poor people most. It is none but a serious catastrophe.

2011年5月15日 星期日




2011年5月13日 星期五


“胡說八道,你平時在學校沒學嗎?誠信最重要!” ……

2011年5月8日 星期日





