It’s your choice. Not mine. Wake up in the morning and ask yourself, “Will I run today, or shall I let today control myself?” The answer, I believe, shall always be “I will run today.” But can you actually do this? It sounds easy, but it’s harder than you think.
Imagine this: you’re struggling with your stupid Math homework when the sun’s blazing outside. It would be a perfect day to hang out with your mates; yet you have to do this tedious homework. And then one of your best pals comes along and asks if you’ll join them in a game. Oh sure you may think, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll play with them, then I’ll come back later and finish the homework.” Let me tell you now. That does not work. You’ll either forget the time playing outside, or you’ll decide that you’re having way too much fun and just completely abort the homework. Temptation. You have just been tempted by the beautiful weather outside and your friend inviting you for a playdate. However you have also lost a perfect chance to gain more knowledge, to learn more. In other words, you have let your day, or simply the circumstances, control you.
Think about it the opposite way. If you had refused your friend and continued studying, you would firstly gain more practice, secondly perform well in tests, then gain acknowledgement from classmates, instead of just receiving two hours of play. This way, you are controlling your day; that is, your day is going to plan and you have not let the turn of events affect your daily life.
This quote tells us, in a sense, not to waste away our life. Gaining control of our life means making good use of it, and therefore this warns us not to waste time, a significant part of life. Again, it’s a choice. You choose to waste time by unresisting temptations, it’s your choice. JC