



2010年6月12日 星期六


貨幣可以說是一種大家熟悉,其實又較為陌生的東西. 我們每天看著它,摸著它, 但我們又是否明白它的歷史呢?知道它會給人類帶來災難嗎?

早在史前時代, 人類已經懂得"以物換物". 他們把自己不想要的物品和別人交換, 讓大家都得到理想的東西. 後來, 人們就改為以貝殼來交換物品. 但是, 貝殼太重,不容易隨身攜帶. 之後經過不斷地演變, 终於出現了貨幣和銀行,讓人們儲蓄金錢.

貨幣種類繁多, 大致分為硬幣和紙幣. 除了我們熟悉的港幣外, 還有美金,英鎊,人民幣,歐元......不同國家有不同的貨幣, 貨幣之間互相兌換的比例當然也不同啦!例如:100歐元可以兌換到5230泰銖.

貨幣的用途非常廣泛,我們常常用它來購買生活中不足的東西.但是,很多人不知道,我們還可以用貨幣來投資, 可以捐出貨幣做善事,幫助窮人,所謂"助人為快樂之本"嘛.

你知道嗎?金融危機也是由貨幣流通產生的不良後果. 如果貨幣迅速貶值,大家就會對貨幣失去信心.這種情況在歷史上曾經發生過很多次:1929年的英美經濟危機,1998年的東南亞金融危機......

金錢是世界上最大的誘惑. 我們不可貪婪,要勤勞,樸實,并養成儲蓄的好習慣, 這樣才能有一番大作為.

2010年6月11日 星期五

What a Horrible Look!

"Oh no! What have those stinky curlers done to me! How can I go to school!" Ida shrieked in horror. All her family members came running up to her in alarm. However, her father decided she should learn to tackle the problem, so she was left alone. Ida was utterly speechless.

Poor Ida then tried to use the brush to untangle her "bush", but the stubbon curls just refused to listen. Next, she tried to attack every strand of hair, but it didn't even lie flat, so she kept muttering to herself, both absent-mindly and furiously. Iritated and annoyed Ida was so frustrated that she was out of her mind trying to gel it, making it even worse, as it became solid as rock in the matter of a few minutes. It was actually a tangle of knots. She had no choice other than use shampoo, but her attempt was not successful.

After trying all sorts of solutions, Ida's hair was even more disgusting than before. The bundle of hair was so greasy and cluttered up that she could have poured a whole tank of petroleum over it. She flung open the mirror and the disgusting and bizarre look made her sweat. She pinched herself to check that this wasn't a dream. No, this was a living nightmare! It was all bunched up as if she had gone through a hedge backwards. Ida was so perplexed and confused.

Suddenly, Ida's mom Mary stepped into the bathroom. She stared at Ida, simply too astounded and stunned to utter a word. She gaped and gasped for air, as she was paralyzed with shock. Her mouth hung open and she seemed pallid enough to faint. Her sister Nancy came in too, but stopped in her tracks. Her jaws dropped and she gawked at Ida. Mary sprung into action immediately. She grabbed a wet brush, and poured a whole bottle of brow-flattening drop onto it. She hit her hair again and again as if her hair were a punching bag,and whipped open some cupborads,managing to surface holding a bottle of conditioner. She did not bother to soak the hair, but poured some conditioner onto it, so everything became like new. She was so quick that the process was done in five minutes. "There you are ,Ida! Whip on your clothes and grab your bag.There's no time to lose!" Mary hollered.

When Ida arrived at school, Miss Smith announced that she had got the winner prize for a drawing competiton, but had missed the ceromony became she was so late. Ida gave a deep breath.Phew!

2010年6月4日 星期五


多年來, 人們一直認為鐵達尼號的災難純屬意外, 但其實這只是白星航海公司創造的傳聞. 事實是...
根據船上的一位乘客, 伊娃哈地說:船上有多種可疑的背叛事件:

一.建造鐵達尼號的時侯, 製造船身的材料裏加了百分之九的礦渣(但是按照設計標準,應該只加百分之二), 這令船身更容易碎裂.
二.船上本有三十二艘救生艇, 但白星航海公司卻下令取走十六艘, 以免妨礙船的美觀.
三.在出發前, 船上每位工作人員都配有一副望遠鏡, 但它們在某個晚上全部消失, 原因不明.
四.鍋爐室中曾經發生火災, 令鐵達尼號的堅固度減弱了很多.
五.在事發前的一個晚上本來有一個救生演習, 但被船長取消了.
六.在事發當日早晨, 船長一共接收了四個電報, 內容一致, 都是警告他前方有冰島, 但船長充耳不聞, 依然下令快速行駛. 在悲劇發生後, 他獨個兒乘坐摩托艇離開了現場.
這些可疑的事情罕為人知, 但仍然是殘酷的事實. 人類是多麼自私, 多麼冷酷無情!可能只為了一些人與人之間的仇恨, 竟毫不眨眼地殘害了這麼多無辜的生命. 這和殘忍的猶太大屠殺又有什麼分別呢?
人和人之間應和平相處, 和平是世界發展最重要的因素. 和平帶來了歡樂和財富, 帶走了悲傷和貧窮...