



2010年4月10日 星期六


2010年4月11日 星期天 大霧

在假期中,我和爸爸媽媽去了關島旅行. 關島雖然屬於美國, 但那兒卻是日本人的天地. 在五天的行程中, 其中一天的午餐令我記憶猶新, 歷歷在目:
那一天, 我們在魚眼餐廳吃午餐. 當我正排隊取冷麫時, 一位日本人突然在我前面插隊, 站在了我和前面的本地茶漠洛人中間.我頓時火冒三丈,很不服氣,為什麼這個可惡的日本人,不插美國人的隊,就硬是要插在我前面? 這不禁令我想起了日本的歷史來.
在第二次世界大戰中,日本和德國結為盟友,狼狽為奸,打算聯手統治世界,並消除所有反對者.後來,日本攻打美國夏威夷島的珍珠港, 激怒了美國人. 隨後, 美國把剛發明的原子彈投向日本的廣島和長崎,令日本無條件投降. 所以至今,日本只服從美國,惟恐美國再次襲擊自己.
日本人太霸氣,不管他人的感受,他人的生死;只想自己的地位,自己的權益, 自己的領土...
所以, 我們應為他人著想,不念舊惡,以德報怨,不要成為一個人人討厭的自私鬼了唷.

2 則留言:

  1. Dear thick glass,

    Hi! Really enjoy reading your blog, I had the same questions and anger as yours when i was a primary sch kid, then i tried to search some books about the world war 2 and leart a lots from the history.
    I really impressed by what you wrote in the blog, especially "這些無法用文字來形容,令文字蒙羞的人,是永遠不會被大家接受的." It seems a bit go to extreme but it's a marvelous phase to describe your feeling. Good job girls!
    Can't wait to see your next post! : )

    Oh! by the way, can you guess who am I?
    tips: I know you when since you're four! : P
    (Got the answer? Make a call to me and make sure that you're right!)
    Onion ma

  2. Who exactly are you? Too many Chinese were massacred during the olden ages. Now the Japanese are invading us not by blood but by economy.

    I love history especially about wars. Would you mind recommending some terrific books? Call me to reveal the mystery behind your identity!

    Love from
